Tie Dye Merch for 20+ Years | USA Small Business | *** Use Coupon D10 for 10% off ***
Resource Links

- How To Tie Dye
A collection of sites helping people learn this wonderful craft.
- Tie Dye History
A collection of sites providing history information of this craft.
- Mardi Gras Info
The official Mardi Gras links directory.
- Soul Flower
Soul Flower features bohemian-style, natural clothing featuring Organic and Hemp items as well as Imports and Jam Band Goods.
- Custom Screen Printed T Shirt by Bender Apparel
Offers custom t-shirts, embroidered polo golf shirts, jackets, caps, and apparel along with custom screen printed.

These are not the tie dye shirts of your teens!
Click Tie Dye Spiral for details.